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Random Muzings in Prague
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(or: what I've learned in Prague so far...)

-Why is beer cheeper than water?
-a torture museum... how interesting...?
-you can be sexually assaulted while walking home from the opera (in a group of 7 people, with one guy...)
-if you say "mluvis Anglicky?" people will speak English, if you ask if they speak English, they say no...?
-parks...lots and lots of
-the "policie" wear uniforms and have their guns VERY visable... (and that's when they're directing trafic...)
-the Czech national corps. are there w/the policie...
-Czech children will go to the bathroom anywhere... (that tree by the park beches looks like a good spot...)
-czech bookstores are way cool...even harry potter is in czech...
-you have to pay to use most public bathrooms...
-ordering food before you can speak the language is an interesting task... it usually involves pointing...
-if something is under "renovation," should they have broken all those windows...
-Why can't we check our e-mail, it's only a few falling rocks...?
-cheap wine in the US=$3.99, in CR=29 Kc, about $1
-riding the trams is a great way to learn czech...
-maps of Praha are great! Occassionally you even know where you are...
-The "Metro" is shut down for how long?
-why don't they close Cathedrals during weddings?
-that makes 2 in one day! (we ran thru 2 weddings)
-stuffed dragon & blanket=738,00 Kc, decent meal out =138,00 Kc...anyone else think this is weird...?
-phone cards randomly decide how many minutes are on them...