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Welcome to my little corner on the information superhighway.

So, what have I been up to for the last few years? Good question. The simple answer is LOTS!!

One of the main things that I'm into now is the Society for Creative Anachronism. (Here it's the MTU medievalist Club.) It is an international medieval recreation society, and it's lots of fun!


I partake in the marshalet activities of this group, meaning that I'm a heavy weapons fighter. Basically, we reinact the "knights in shining armour" of the day. In reality, we put on full body armour, and we hit each other with sticks of rattan that have been made to (vaguely) represent period fighting weapons.
(try explaining this to people who've never heard of SCA before, and watch their faces...'specially when they try and fathom how a girl could do this for fun...)

Earth Spinning

I'd show you wehere I am currently on this globe, but it's spinning, so it would be hard to point out...

Do I really have to go back home, and back to school? I'm having to much fun here, 'sides, what're the odds of my getting a job. I'm never going to use my degree anyway, but enough people've convinced me that I should just mat and frame it real pretty like to hang on the wall, and then "get out of dodge" so to speak...

oO(thought bubble: I want to go home, why can't I go home? oh yeah, I need money and I was offered a job...)Oo

oO(How come it's allowable for people to carrie live steel here, and not in the states? And, where do they get such pretty pointies...?)Oo


Okay, my new hobby... or should I make that slowly becoming my new obsession... I took up Tribal bellydance almost two years ago, and now I'm doing the whole workshop thing, and the student troupe I'm in is performing at local area haflas and shows and things... Can we say uber fun?!


Disclaimer: I'm sore and tired and not terribly alert, please forgive all errors to this page...